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xpStyle components with source 2.6

xpStyle components with source 2.6

xpStyle components with source Publisher's Description

If you are looking for a way to make your application nice looking, those package are right for you. XP Style window and controls make your program more user friendly.
Package include:
TxpWindow - This nonvisual component will allow you to make your forms similar on XP-window.
- Gradient fill window caption
- Your picture in window title
- Custom draw window title
- Your custom buttons in window title
- Restricting minimum and maximum window sizes
- Allow making your window is dockable to screen bounds.
- and other features ...

TxpPageControl - XP style page control. Support following features:
- Different tab styles: Tabs, Buttons, Flat buttons and XP-style
- Different tabs position: Top, Bottom, Left, Right
- Different colors for each tabs
- Different hints for each tabs
- Support bitmap on Tab
- Different fonts for each tabs
- Support OwnerDraw mode
- Support tab gradient filling
- Background image for each tab (tile or strech)
- Different tab caption text alignment (left, right and center)
- Changing border color

TxpPanel - XP style panel. Very effectly panel with gradient filling title, rounded corners and other features

TxpBitBtn - BitButton control. Looks like XP button with glyph. It can be used as direct replacements of the original.

TxpButton - Button control. Looks like XP button. It can be used as direct replacements of the original.

TxpCheckBox - CheckBox control. Looks like XP checkbox.

TxpEdit - Edit control. Support two styles: XP Style and Flat Style. It can be used as direct replacements of the original.

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